Nigeria Chin Chin Bread Production Line


The complete Nigeria chin  chin bread production line include all machines needed  from A to Z. The capacity can be small, middle,  big capacity etc as your request.

We can design the  production line according to your request.

Welcome contact us to get video instructions!

For a normal capacity popular Nigeria chin chin bread production line, the complete production line include Horizontal dough kneading machine, Dough pressing machine, Automatic chin chin making machine, Deep fryer etc. 

  1. Step 1: horizontal dough kneading machine mixing  the dough;
  2. Step 2: dough pressing machine to press the dough to flat and squeeze out the air inside the dough;
  3. Step 3: put the dough sheet into the hopper of the chin chin making machine, the machine start to cut chin chin out fast and efficiently;
  4. Step 4: Use the deep fryer to fry the product.

We  can custom  different chin chin size and shape design as your request.